
Showing posts from August, 2012

My cat is the devil

Got a flat ass? Walgreens can help!

Holy Undies!!

So shaky! No more extra shots!

Don't trust Bears!

Girl Doodle.: What could be better?

It'll come to this I'm sure.

My Diet is Terrible.


Everyone's good at something.

What could be better?

A growing epidemic.

Me at every party.

My Esty Store Banner!!

Ermagerd Herses!

I'm a winner.

Gross dog.

Fast Times at QMG.

Cheesehead Family- For Dolly

Kids are getting way to into superheroes.

Kids do the darnedest things!


Fast Times at QMG- Brooke

The real housewives of Decatur- for Brenda.

Decatur Chronicles 2- For Brenda.

Fun at work- For Jamie.

The Ghost of Vaudeville

This is my life.

This is why we don't have cable.



Work it.